
0 minutes, 17 seconds Read

Exchange rates as fixed by the European Central Bank as detailed in stage three of the Economic and Monetary Union.

1 EUR = 40.3399 BEF Belgium Francs

= 1.95583 DEM Germany Deutsche Marks

= 166.386 ESP Spain Pesetas

= 6.55957 FRF France Francs

= .787564 IEP Ireland Punt

= 1936.27 ITL Italy Lira

= 40.3399 LUF Luxembourg Francs

= 2.20371 NLG Netherlands (Dutch) Guilders

= 13.7603 ATS Austria Schillings

= 200.482 PTE Portugal Escudo

= 5.94573 FIM Finland 유로247가입주소 Markka

= 340.750 GRD Greece Drachma

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